My talk on Police Reform (February 2023)
A must read for police and municipal leaders looking to improve the delivery of community safety services.
I joined my friend Steve Morreale on Episode 1 of the CopDoc Podcast
Join us in 2024 for a series of conversations on timeline criminal justice and public administration topics
I was a guest on "Let's Talk Performance," a webinar hosted by with the National Center for Public Performance
I served as keynote at the
April 2023 - ICMA Regional Gathering in Burlington, VT
Catching up with Tom Tinlin, formidable public servant and MPA alumni, and our mutual friend and police leader, Ed Davis
Annual POP Conference
August 2023 - Boulder, CO
Deep expertise working with managers and leaders engaged in organizational change and improvement
Areas of expertise:
Community Safety
Public Administration
My work with the late George L. Kelling was part of the National Policing Institute and Vera Institute Compstat 360 effort.
Working with Harvard University and 21CP Solutions, Inc. to reimagine public safety services on the world's most renowned campus.
In 2021, our team out of the NYU Law School Policing Project began a national study of organizational change and alternative response models in several US cities.
My fall walk to work takes me through the Granary Burial Ground on Tremont Street
Wrapped up site study work in Denver & Tucson (2022). San Francisco data collection is ongoing (2023).
Co-presenting with Suffolk colleague Jessica Gillooly on the study of Denver's alternative response program. Atlanta, GA
Presenting with colleagues at the 2022 NASPAA Annual Meeting in Chicago
Spent a week meeting with NHS professionals and providers, researchers and others comparing US-UK healthcare systems.
I work closely with leaders and managers to assess organizational challenges and chart a course for change
I create and deliver tailor-made presentations and workshops that help organizations thrive
I am an accomplished researcher with experience using diverse research and evaluation methodologies
I am a creative and skilled teacher and facilitator, my courses and workshops deliver on learning goals and objectives
I frequently contribute to print, web-based and radio media outlets as part of my research and expertise
Engaging and effective facilitation are at the heart of change. I use various process models and approaches to support work in teaching and consulting
I joined my colleague Ed Davis to talk about my research and our experiences with organizational change in policing.
So fun to join my colleague Steve Morreale on his new podcast "The CopDoc." We talked about my research and our experiences with organizational change in policing.
Race, Equity, and Policy: Exploring Criminal Justice Reform, a year-long series of dialogues and learning opportunities for students and the broader community
Brenda J. Bond-Fortier, Panelist
My Suffolk colleague, Jodi Detjen and I led an interactive webinar exploring the intersections between the current pandemic, leadership and organizational resilience.